Welcome to our campus! Your bet36365体育 ID card is more than just an official student ID card. It's your ticket to access a variety of campus resources and events, such as the library, the Wellness Center, campus-sponsored events, and regular season home Loper athletic events. In addition, your bet36365体育 ID card can also serve as a door access card for campus buildings and residence halls.
Don't forget that your bet36365体育 ID card can also be used to make purchases on campus with Loper Dollars, which is the quickest and most convenient method of payment on campus. By using Loper Dollars at on-campus dining locations, you can save 20% automatically!
Nebraskan Student Union, Room 142G
Kearney, NE 68849
(308) 865-8154
Email: unkcard@liuyang1999.com
FAX: (308) 865-8195
Hours are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday.